By Ashton School on Apr 1, 2015.   No Comments

Ashton Notes April 2015

Easter a time of renewal, redemption, and resurrection, the high point of the liturgical year.  Christians worldwide participate in a full week of preparation prior to Easter, where they reflect on how they will continue to give witness to their faith for the next year.  Nature too manifests its own renewal with the cheeriness of the daffodils, reminder of the creative powers of God, and the promise of long sunny summer days to come.

Ceili Apr 15  (2)Seachtain na Gaeilge was a highlight with cheerful colourful posters greeting us in the corridors of Ashton.  The céilí was a huge success, as was Tráth na gCeist.  The ‘Cupán song’ was a resounding success, with second year students entertaining the entire school at Assembly, in music and song.

Students in Transition Year have recently returned from a week in Pontivvy, France, on the return leg of their Exchange programme.  Students also completed two weeks work experience in many and varied organisations.  Mini Company are busy putting the finishing touches to their ‘projects’, advising us to ‘have those wallets full of cash for buying’.  TY’s also had the privilege of hearing a presentation from Fiona Corcoran of The Greater Chernobyl Cause, enlightening them on the work of this innovative charitable organisation.

Students throughout the school are privileged to have the experience and skills of the Guidance department.  It constantly strives to extend service provision through its liaison with Third level institutions and others to support Ashton students, in a reciprocal partnership between Ashton and UCC, co-ordinated by Mrs. Kerins.

Second Year students in Ms. McKeown’s History class, were thrilled when they found out they had won prizes in the Discover Cork History projects.  Ellie O’Meara and Alison Warren-Perry’s project was based on the history of the Royal Cork Yacht Club.  Isabel Sesaldo’s project was on St. Michael’s church in Blackrock.  The quality of the projects was excellent, proven by the fact that Ashton projects won from hundreds of other entries.  Congratulations to everyone involved.

Students in Ashton will have a unique opportunity to attend a reception in Waterford, hosted by President Higgins, to commemorate Thomas F. Meagher who unveiled the Irish Tricolour for the first time in Waterford in 1848.  Schools around Ireland will attend this most prestigious event, by invitation, co-ordinated by Mr. Ruttle.  What a privilege!

Hockey:  The Senior A Boys team competed in the Cup Final in Garryduff against Villiers. The Minor A boys team have qualified for the Minor Cup Final and the John Waring Tournament in Belfast in April.  Busy times ahead.  The Senior A Girls hockey teams participated in the Semi-Final against Crescent School in Limerick, and were unlucky on the day to lose out.  Training continues with enthusiasm.

Soccer: The U-19 team had success recently against Presentation Bros. College 1-0.  Captained by Theo Gibbons, they went on to have a hard fought victory against Midleton CBS 2-1.  They now go forward to play in the Quarter Finals against Coláiste Chraoibhín in Fermoy, coached by Mr. Deane.




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