Junior Cycle Programme

at Ashton School

Students take a number of core subjects in the Junior Cycle programme – Irish, English, mathematics, science, history, geography and a modern foreign language (French or German) – all of which are now examined through terminal written examinations and classroom-based assessments (CBAs).

Students also take two short courses – civic, social and political education (CSPE) and social, personal and health education (SPHE) which are examined through classroom-based assessments (CBAs). Religious education (RE), physical education (PE) and guidance are also core subjects on the Ashton Junior Cycle curriculum but they are not currently assessed for certification purposes.

Students take a number of core subjects in the Junior Cycle programme – Irish, English, mathematics, science, history, geography and a modern foreign language (French or German) – all of which are now examined through terminal written examinations and classroom-based assessments (CBAs).

In addition to core subjects, seven option subjects are offered which students try out in September and October of their first year. At the end of October, first year students choose the three option subjects which they will continue to study for the remainder of the junior cycle. All subjects and short courses feature on the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) which is the certificate awarded after completion of the programme.

The subjects currently offered as option subjects are: art, business studies, home economics, engineering, music, graphics and wood technology. Check out the links above for further information.

The introduction of guidance into our Junior Cycle programme allows us to tailor a programme to meet the specific and varied needs of our students in the area of wellbeing as they progress through the programme. Ashton School has been very proactive in this area.

Students also take two short courses – civic, social and political education (CSPE) and social, personal and health education (SPHE) which are examined through classroom-based assessments (CBAs). Religious education (RE), physical education (PE) and guidance are also core subjects on the Ashton Junior Cycle curriculum but they are not currently assessed for certification purposes.

In addition to core subjects, seven option subjects are offered which students try out in September and October of their first year. At the end of October, first year students choose the three option subjects which they will continue to study for the remainder of the junior cycle. All subjects and short courses feature on the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) which is the certificate awarded after completion of the programme.

The subjects currently offered as option subjects are: art, business studies, home economics, engineering, music, graphics and wood technology. Check out the links above for further information.

The introduction of guidance into our Junior Cycle programme allows us to tailor a programme to meet the specific and varied needs of our students in the area of wellbeing as they progress through the programme. Ashton School has been very proactive in this area.