Business Studies
Junior Cycle

Junior Cycle Business Studies is laid out in a Specification (Syllabus) which lists the areas of study. There are 3 strands or broad headings which are Personal Finance, Enterprise, Our Economy.

Students will learn about Income, Expenditure, Budgets, Financial Institutions, Consumer Laws, Insurance etc. These are topics which are useful for life and students will develop skills and understanding and knowledge in these areas.

Simple Income Statements and Statements of Financial Position will be studied and students will learn about Technology in business and Financial Analysis at a simple level. In addition, students will learn about the local, national and international economy and hopefully will develop a better understanding of Economics and Economic Literacy.

Classroom based assessments(CBA) will involve both a Group Project and an individual presentation. Students will complete an Assessment Task based on the CBAs and will also do a 2 hour exam at the end of Third Year. CBAs will be graded by the teacher in the school and the Assessment Task and the Final Exam are corrected by the State Examinations Commission (SEC).