Ashton Notes May 2011
The 30th Annual Ashton Sponsored walk/run took place on Wednesday April 13rh, 2011, a date which is a regular calendar event, and eagerly anticipated. The walk raises funds for much needed charities each year, and this year’s beneficiaries were Cork Deaf Enterprises, Cork Simon Community, St. Vincent de Paul, Red Cross Japanese Tsunami Appeal, Marymount Hospice, Aware.
First Year History students participated in the Discover Cork Schools Heritage Project, co-ordinated by Ms. Farrell. They submitted most interesting projects based on local history. Students were assisted by having Mr. Kieran McCarthy from Cork City Council into class to speak with them about the various topics they were working on. Well done on superb standards of work presentation.
ICT is an integral part of life and education today and deemed to be an educational tool which will revolutionize teaching and learning. As part of our ongoing curriculum development in Ashton, supported by Management, the school has been ‘kitted out’ with wireless keyboards and mice, and ultra short throw projectors. This work will facilitate more immediate access to internet and educational resources in each classroom in the school. The student response has been extremely positive, and while only installed over the last few weeks, staff and students are looking forward to having access to world-wide information ‘at the click of a mouse’.
On Tuesday April 5th, 38 Fifth year students travelled to Killarney on their Leaving Cert. Geography Field Trip, with Ms. Stoker and Ms. R. McCarthy. Spending a day in ‘wellies’ and ‘steeped in water’ as they carried out various tests, and research assignments, ensured a very quiet trip back to Cork on the bus!. This work will now be completed and submitted as part of their Leaving Cert. Examination in 2012.
Transition Year, Fifth, and Sixth year students are currently completing Gaisce tasks in preparation for the final section of the programme, involving students planning, preparing and undertaking an ‘Away Adventure Journey‘ as part of a group, co-ordinated by Ms. Connolly.
Ashton Junior Soccer players enjoyed a day-trip to Trabolgan Activity Centre, with Mr. Cunningham as part of a team-building exercise for the student-players involved. Well done to all for their commitment throughout the year.
Eric Grimes, a Transition Year Student with a lot of ‘promise’ in the world of sport, has recently returned from his latest soccer cross-channel trial, this time with Glasgow Celtic. He is currently considering a number of offers as he tries to decide on a career as a professional goal-keeper. What an opportunity. We wish him luck in his decision-making. A genial, pleasant, and affable young man.
Congratulations to the Senior Boys Hockey team who won the semi-final, beating Midleton College, going on to play Bandon Grammar in the final of the Munster Senior Boys Cup, on Weds. 13th April, in Garryduff. Well done boys and good luck in the final.
Good luck to all Junior and Leaving Certificate students, and their parents, as they complete projects, practicals, Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme modules, and as they go on to complete the final hurdle of the written examinations.
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