Junior Cycle

The aim of Junior Cycle Engineering it to enable the student to develop a set of skills and knowledge to design, manufacture and evaluate a product. Students will engage in goal-orientated problem solving tasks which will introduce and make them aware of many engineering processes. Over the three year Junior Cycle they will develop the necessary skills and apply engineering processes to manipulate material to manufacture a product with efficiency, accuracy, precision, and a high-quality finish.

Engineering offers students a lens through which to view the role and impact of engineering within their classroom, community and the world. Through the study of engineering, students will have the opportunity to behave as engineers, and develop an engineering mindset. The engineering process is both reflective systematic. It is reflective in that students continually test their design and modify it based on what they have learned. It is systematic in that students undertake several characteristic steps in reaching a solution. Students identify problems, integrate ideas for how to solve identified problems, and try to improve the design or devise a better one.

Over the three years of the Junior Cycle Programme, students will be given ever increasing challenging projects which will develop their skills, knowledge and understanding of a range of engineering practices. This junior cycle experience will act as a foundation for the student who wishes to continue the study of Engineering in Leaving Certificate and beyond.