Leaving Certificate
Studying English at Senior Cycle in Ashton allows students foster a love of language and literature at a deeper level. For voracious readers, word lovers, poets and theatre buffs, English is the perfect choice. Studying English feeds the imagination. It allows you to travel back in time, share the experiences of others, take on new perspectives, explore ideas, beliefs and values, challenge or discover your own and learn literary skills to express yourself in original and creative ways. Leaving Certificate English is a highly regarded qualification and Ashton is an exciting and energising place to study English. Students are lively, intelligent and enthusiastic and all teachers in the English team have a genuine passion for their subject.
Building on the Junior Certificate syllabus, Senior Cycle English introduces the comparative study of texts and the study of film, a large range of choice in texts and revises and updates the poetry course. Our goal is to develop students’ interest in both literature and language which will help to fulfil their creative potential. English at Ashton allows students the opportunity to develop higher order thinking skills of analysis, inference, synthesis and evaluation. Students are encouraged to broaden the range of their thinking skills and language used, be that through a poem, a political speech, a play or a specific genre of literature.