Physical Education
In Ashton our objective is for all students to participate in a variety of activities and with that, find an appreciation of activity and sport for lifelong learning.
We aim to enhance students’ confidence and competence through varied five week programmes which include hockey, basketball, soccer, rugby, athletics, dance, gymnastics, swimming and Olympic handball, to name a few.
It is no surprise as a result that we can frequently boast 100% participation in Physical Education classes.
First Years will participate in a Physical Education programme which is in line with the Junior Cycle syllabus and will participate in all seven strands of the Junior Cycle Physical Education curriculum.
We offer both a unique and an extensive Transition Year Physical Education Programme in this school. Aside from compulsory Transition Year Physical Education for 1 hour 20 minutes, students have the chance to engage in circuit training, adapted physical activity; including wheelchair basketball, team challenges, core work, sport science and sports studies.
Student Testimonials:
Physical Education for me in Ashton has been a spectacular experience.
It is really important for me to have every week because it helps with my physical and mental health.
Ashton PE has a very friendly and positive atmosphere. People of all abilities are included.
My experience of PE in Ashton has personally been outstanding.