By Geraldine Collins on Nov 15, 2023.   No Comments

Ashton School News November 2023.

Ashton School.


Winter has set in yet school life continues in its usual cycle of events and activities for students at all levels.

Transition Year students have been extremely busy this term with all students attending Self Defence classes, where they learned the basics in protecting themselves and others.  Students learned how to get out of dangerous situations, to protect themselves in threatening situations.  They also learned to regain the upper hand against knife attack, and how to act in a defensive manner rather than in an aggressive manner, amongst many other interesting skills.  Co-Ordinated by Ms. Dennehy.

Barista Coffee Training classes were provided to all TY students also, with the aroma of coffee wafting throughout the school, and beautifully ‘crafted’ presentations on top of each cup of coffee, a magnificent skill for any young person, acquitting them to work in cafes, restaurants or in hospitality into the future.

Fiona Corcoran of the Greater Chernobyl Cause in Cork, held students complete attention when she visited Ashton recently, as part of the Community Action Programme.  She informed students about what her organisation does to help people in Ukraine, Chernobyl, Poland and other areas of the world, working with people who have been left in very difficult situations, the young, the elderly and those with intellectual and physical difficulties. Students were ‘shocked’ at what they saw in the video clips, and were inspired to immediately indicate they wanted to help her in any way they could.  An inspiring woman, reaching across the world to save lives, done with diligence and integrity.  We were humbled by her presence among us.

Former  student Martin Ho, 5th Year Medicine student in UCC, visited Ashton students and made an excellently informative presentation on  Medicine as a career, in the library.   His genial personality, and conscientiousness with his presentation,  ensured students learned a lot  and were most appreciative of his work and sharing of information. Co-Ordinated by Ms. Kingston Guidance Counsellor.

The German Exchange students arrived in Cork on September, celebrating 21 years of German Exchange, accompanied by their German teachers, Burgit and Lisa.  They spent an exciting week visiting Cultural sites of significance in Cobh, Cork City Jail, UCC.,  Charlesfort in Kinsale.  This was supplemented with in-class lessons in English, Irish and Gaeilic football games.  Great enthusiasm and welcome from their Irish host families ensured they thoroughly enjoyed the visit.  Ashton students look forward to their return visit to Cologne on Nov. 6th, accompanied by German teacher Ms. Power.

Hockey training has resumed for all age groups, with the inclement weather not seeming to impact on their enthusiasm in any way!  The Senior Boys Team are preparing for the Irish Schools Qualifiers.  The Girls teams are also preparing upcoming matches and tournaments.



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