Ashton School News December 2023
Ashton School.
We wish all our readers the best of Season’s Greetings for Advent, Christmas and the New Year, hoping it brings peace to the world, in all its various facets.
Transition Year students spent five days at Achill Island in October as part of their bonding and team building within the year group. As always, it is an experience they take with them for life. Students participated in Hill-walking, kayaking, surfing, cycling on the Greenway in Achill. Students put on a concert on the final night of their stay, which entertained the instructors and staff. This was co-ordinated by Transition Year Co-ordinator Ms. Dennehy, accompanied by Year Head Mr. Scanlon, Ms. Lynch, and Mr. Mulcahy.
A presentation was made recently at a very sociable event in the staffroom at Ashton, to Ms. Patsy McCarthy, Ms. Noreen Healy, Ms. Margaret O’Sullivan, Ms. Mary Nott, members of the Support Team at Ashton. This was in recognition of their dedication, hard work, and commitment to student and staff care over many many years, always done with a smile and great kindness to everyone. Deputy Principal Ms. Hewison made a presentation on behalf of the staff and Board of Management to each of the former staff. This was followed by most convivial refreshments which were enjoyed by all. We wish them all luck in the future.
Prize day was a very different occasion this year as it simultaneously marked the achievements of students, and the retirement of Ms. Hewison Deputy Principal, subsequent to a previous whole staff presentation and convivial event for Ms. Hewison, held the previous day. Awards were presented for various aspects of school life, including awards for Excellence in Participation, and awards for Significant Achievements. An Corn an Amhairginigh was awarded to Donncha O’Connell for excellence in written Irish. The Corn Mhic Uistin was awarded to Eoin Fitzpatrick for spoken Irish. The Tony Burke Trophy for Technical Subjects was awarded to Dylan Bryan. The Rochelle Trophy for achieving the highest Junior Certificate results was presented to James Cotter. The Cox Perpetual Trophy for European Languages was awarded to Elizabeth Cotter. The Des Deasy Memorial Trophy for Excellent results in Technical subjects was presented to Joint winners Mark Vertiporoh and Donnacha O’Connell. The Ashton School Players Award was presented to Sophie Ruddock. The Shereen Gokul Memorial Trophy for Girl’s Hockey was presented to Kerri Higgins. The Andrew Chambers Memorial Award for Boys Hockey was awarded to Jim White.
Junior Certificate results were greeted with the greatest of enthusiasm and energy, as students accepted their results, from Mr. Landen, supported by Ms. Hewison, and Year Head Mr. Scanlon. Students had completed assessments, CBA’s, assignments, participation in classroom based learning, and much more. This was a tribute to the endurance of students, teachers, parents, given that this cohort of students overcame the obstacle of Covid19, endured by everyone in many different ways, especially so for students in examination classes.
Hockey: The Senior Girls Cup draw takes place in early November, and they await the beginning of the 1st round of the Cup in the New Year. Senior Boys hockey team are currently training in preparation for the upcoming Cup fixtures in the New Year.
Junior Girls Soccer team took part in a challenge match against Colaiste Muire Cobh on the Stephen Ireland Astro pitch, and thoroughly enjoyed an exciting game, resulting in a 1-1 draw, coached by Mr. Curran. What a great result! Congratulations to all involved.
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