Ashton School News February 2024.
Ashton School.
Mr. Richard Lester is the newly appointed Deputy Principal of Ashton School, succeeding Ms. Annemarie Hewison who retired at the end of October 2023. Having taught in Ashton from 2020 to the present, his appointment was greeted with great warmth and affection. A strong sense of goodwill was extended to him from his colleagues in the Physical Education and Geography Departments, and the whole school staff and student cohort.
Mr. Lester graduated as a teacher of Physical Education and Geography, having qualified in the U.K. He has taught in various schools prior to taking up his teaching post in Ashton, having worked as Assistant Head Teacher in London. His appointment maintains a strong link with Ashton over the years, having had a Great-Aunt, Beryl Lester who taught in Rochelle School. He is also a past-pupil of Bandon Grammar School. The experience of Mr. Lester as both teacher and Assistant Head Teacher ensures he brings a holistic approach to the role, continuing the tradition of genuine interest and empathy in, and for students and staff at all times. We wish Mr. Lester luck in all he does into the future as Deputy Principal at Ashton School.
The Glanville Art Competition took place recently, and the excellence of talent was obvious when it came to judging the winning artworks! Highly commended were May O’Callaghan and Matilda Castle-Metlitski. 3rd place prize recipient was Jennifer Abule. 2nd place as awarded to Nicola Sullivan. 1st prize was presented to Sarah James for her work entitled ‘Living the dream’. Congratulations to all involved in such creative work, supported by Art Teachers Ms. O’Shea and Mr. Ewart.
The Ashton Debating Team has been busy. Transition Year students Rachel Lynch and Suzanne Healy Bird recently took part in the UCC Philosophical Society debate, proposing the motion ‘This house would ban lobbying in politics’. Both students engaged in extensive research, wrote convincing arguments. T.Y. Debating teams participated in the Concern Debates Program. They opposed the motion ‘ Africa should be allowed to develop its fossil fuel resources to lift the country out of poverty’. Students debated in a hard-fought debate against Mount St. Michael School in Rosscarbery. They now progress onto the next stage of the debating competitions. Well done to all the debating teams, coached by Ms. Harrington.
Ashton school was delighted recently with the visit of Madame Laura Le Cleach Co-Operation Attaché with the French Embassy, and Madame Valérie McGonnell President Alliance Francaise. They were greeted with the sounds of the French National Anthem sung by the student Choir. A cross-section of students presented their appreciation and love of French language, culture, travel education and its impact on their lives. Principal Mr. Landen, Deputy Principal Mr. Lester , and French Language Teachers Ms. Power, Ms. Ryan and Ms. Farrell extended a warm welcome to Madame Le Cleach and Madame McGonnell to Ashton. The visit reinforces the continuation of the strong tradition of French language development in the school, and the School Exchange visits over the years, co-ordinated by the French Department.
Hockey practice continues unabated, with the determination and grit of young people beating the very cold weather, girls and boys teams training hard in preparation for matches in Spring and Summer. All codes have restarted their training programs for the year. We wish them luck.
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