By Ashton School on Aug 6, 2014.   No Comments

The Wallace Library and its impact on Literacy in Ashton

P1010236As part of the overall approach to literacy in Ashton, the Librarian, Charlotte Roberts plays a pivotal role.  She co-ordinates literacy activities in the library, encouraging students to participate in relaxed lunchtime literacy-focused games, playing chess tournaments, facilitating book reviews, and much more.   Student librarians have been very much part of the library program, in order to include as many students as possible as ‘custodians’ of books and of the library itself.

Fergal Eccles in Leaving Certificate year recently stated that his interest in programming started in the library in Ashton.  He now owns his own programming company, with a worldwide customer base, before he ever sits a Leaving Certificate paper.  Eanna Hardwicke, a recent winner at Listowel Writer’s Week, attributes much of his reading reference to the library too.

In recognition of the success of our students literary and literacy achievements, Ms. Roberts launched a special promotion of the work of John B. Keane in the library, with information on the author and a selection of his texts available for perusal.  Well done to all.

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