By Geraldine Collins on May 5, 2016.   No Comments

Healthy eating and healthy living week at Ashton

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Did you know how much sugar you consume ?


Real Skill!


Being active is fun!


Sheer brilliance!


As part of the on-going health and fitness awareness programme at Ashton, the Physical Education Department continuously energise students and staff with new ideas on how to be fit and healthy in their everyday lives.

As part of Active Schools week, there were a variety of activities held at lunch time and after school.  These included welly tossing, hockey and soccer crossbar challenges, poc fada, potato and spoon races, sack races and three legged races.

All students were invited to attend after school Zumba, rounders, soccer, basketball, ‘tip the can’, and badminton.  In conjunction with these exciting activities, there were daily healthy eating initiatives, with healthy snacks, smoothies, vegetarian options and  lots more offered as’ tasters’ to students and staff.

Students and staff endorsed the spirit of Active Schools week, co-ordinated by Ms. Siobháin Dennehy, Ms. Sarah Falvey, Mr. Eddie Kirwan, Mr. Dean Lynch, and Ms. Kate Twohig.







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