Presentation of cheque to Concern
Recently, Transition Year students made a presentation of a cheque for 2,050 euros to Concern, which were proceeds from the Concern Fast which Transition Year students at Ashton organised as part of their altruistic approach to helping others in developing countries, co-ordinated by Mr. Shane Scanlon, T.Y. Year Head.
The Fast always generates great excitement and fun for the students, sleeping in school overnight, playing games, preparing breakfast, playing music on ‘MAX VOLUME’ much to the delight of the supervising teachers Ms. Desmond and Mr. Carey! All in a great cause.
Joanne Arnold from Concern gratefully accepted the cheque from the students, and speaking at school Assembly recently, informed students of the invaluable impact of this money in the ordinary lives of people in developing countries, buying water pumps, feeding families, planting crops and many other worthwhile projects which prove to be life-saving in most cases. Worthwhile and rewarding for all involved.
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