Sports Assembly
The annual calendar of events in Ashton always includes Sports Assembly, and it never fails to surprise and inspire us as we hear of the extraordinary achievements of students, which might otherwise go unknown, were it not for this special occasion, co-ordinated by Mr. Kirwan and Ms. O’Regan in the Physical Education Department.
Mr. Kirwan thanked all the voluntary trainers for their commitment to sports in Ashton, noting that many are former students themselves. There were participants and nominations at all levels, from school, to national and international level.
At international level there were many student participants in varying sporting codes.
Richard Lynch competed in U18 hockey in the Celtic Cup in Edinburgh, Scotland in July 2012. Gary Wilkinson also played U18 in the Celtic Cup in Edinburgh, 2012. Simon Wolfe played in the U16 European Youth Hockey Championships in Vienna, July 2012.
David Whitaker participated in sailing in the U19 Trofeo de Palma, Majorca, in December 2012. Harry Whitaker sailed in the U15 Optimist Worlds in the Dominican Republic in June 2012.
Niamh Corbett competed in the European Youth Orienteering Championships in France, June 2012.
In dancing, Rebecca Maye took part in the Western Europeans in Dublin in August 2012.
Lena McCarthy participated in the Taekwon-Do European Championships in 2012.
The Junior and Senior Sports Girls were then announced. Lorna McCutcheon was awarded Junior Sports Girl for 2013. Senior Sports Girl was awarded to Alex O’Grady. Both girls’ citations deemed them as outstanding team members, having natural ability, showing exemplary and inspiring behaviour both on and off the field of play.
Junior Sports Boy of the Year was awarded to Brian Stockil. His citation included references to his ‘never say die attitude’, his ability to lead by his actions, and his capacity to work hard at both his academic and sporting commitments.
This year there were two winners of Senior Sports Boy 2013, both exceptional sportsmen. This illustrates how strong a motivating factor sports can be, whilst simultaneously creating a motivating impact on academic studies.
Peter Daunt was deemed to be an immensely talented athlete. He possessed a quiet determination. He is a high achiever academically, who operated a disciplined approach to his studies and sport in school. Peter is unassuming and puts others before himself.
Gary Wilkinson described as being blessed with an abundance of natural talent, and one of the fastest schoolboys in the history of any Irish secondary school. In 2012 at Ashton Sports Day, he beat a 31 year old record recording a time of 10.98 for 100 metres. Congratulations to everyone involved in such amazing achievements.
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