By Ashton School on May 25, 2013.   Comments Off on Farewell to Old Ashton

Farewell to Old Ashton

Former student Lisa Kelleher and former Principal Charles Payne

Former student Lisa Kelleher and former Principal Charles Payne

The Meany family

The Meany family

Former student of Cork Grammar School Alex Treacy and former Principal Bertie Smith

Former student of Cork Grammar School Alex Treacy and former Principal Bertie Smith

Linda Jackson, Caleb and Joseph O Sullivan (700x525)

A most pleasant ‘Afternoon Tea-Day’ was held in Ashton on Sat. May 25th, where former students and retired staff, along with present staff, reminisced about their time in the hallowed halls and corridors of Ashton school as they remembered it, before the wrecking ball would descend on the building.

The Parents Committee did tremendous work in providing delicious, freshly cooked food and desserts for everyone who attended, ensuring a warm welcome, and created ample opportunity for lots of chat over the ‘cuppa’.

Many former students and retired staff travelled long distances to share their cherished memories and stories of time spent in Ashton.

Old uniforms going back to the early 20th century, awards, plaques, newspaper cuttings, photographs and roll books helped to ‘jog’ memories, and bring the past to life for many. where to buy domain name . Bella stefan

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