By Ashton School on May 28, 2013.   Comments Off on Retirement of Mary Kelleher

Retirement of Mary Kelleher


Mary Kelleher has had an involvement of 38 years with Ashton School. All who knew her, and were privileged to have been taught by her, will have many warm and enduring memories.

Mary has spent all of her professional life, in one way or another, in the world of education.  Being the daughter of the ‘Master’ at primary school in Kilbonane, Aherla, she was imbued with the ‘grá’ for Irish.  Her gaeilgeoir Mother exerted a similar influence.   Mary attended secondary school at the Convent of Mercy Secondary  School,  Clonakilty, from which she graduated to U.C.C. She took a B. Arts Degree  at the age of 20.  She completed her H.Dip. in Education in O’Sullivan’s School in the South Mall, Cork.  She has taught as a full-time member of staff at Ashton since 1975.

While Irish and French were Mary’s main subjects, she also taught Social Personal Health Education.  Mary, along with Nora Goode, and Liam Nott, co-ordinated the programme initially in Ashton.

Mary was instrumental in supporting new initiatives within the school, including French Exchanges to Rennes in Brittany, Gaeltacht  trips to Dingle, a ‘Music Day’.   More recently, programmes included ‘Seachtain na Gaeilge’, guest speakers including renowned poet Dr. Louis De Paor and well known Corkman,singer John Spillane.

She assisted Maura O’Shea with French Day in the school annually, and was Adult Education Director for a period also. Mary also had two periods of career break, one in Canada, and another as ‘Singer in Residence’ in the Múscraí gaeltacht.

Mary’s deeply held passion for the Irish language and culture, came to fruitition in 1999, with a CD entitled ‘Guth ar Fán’, (Wandering Voice). She has performed as guest artist at many national and international music festivals, most notably in Lorient in France.  She has won Sean Nós na mBan for sean nós singing, and has competed successfully in the Final of the Oireachtas sean nós singing competitions many years. It is no exaggeration to say that Mary is one of Ireland’s top singers in the genre.

Continuing to inspire a love of Irish song,  Mary teaches singing in the Baile Bhúirne gaeltacht every week.  In the recent past, she has completed a large tome of research on old songs, music scores, lyrics, and retrieved material in serious danger of being lost. Thus preserving the tradition for future generations.  These books are now reference sources for UCC.

Mary’s ‘grá’ for her native ‘teanga’ ensured that those who had the privilege of being students of hers, in Ashton and elsewhere, were also imbued with the same ‘grá agus meas’ for Irish.   Students loved being taught by Mary. Mary spoke at a most memorable assembly. Her topic was the importance of Irish. She held the whole school enthralled, when she concluded by singing  ‘Aisling Gheal’.  The regular renditions of her rhythmic singing of ‘Báidín Fheidhlimidh’ from a class of 30 students, filtered down the school corridors, bringing instant smiles, and nods of recognition and  affection from students and staff alike, which will be greatly missed.

Mary’s immense contribution to school life has been characterised by her great good humour, and a positivity  that has generated deep bonds of friendship.  She has been an unwavering and loyal support to her colleagues, a source of knowledge and wise counsel to us all.

At a most convivial retirement function held in the Silver Key, on May  28thth, Principal Mr. Landen, himself a past student of Mary’s, congratulated her on her enormous contribution to Ashton over the years.  A presentation was made to Mary from the staff of Ashton.  A piece sculpted from Bog Oak, was presented by the Board of Management, with their heartfelt good wishes.

Everyone wishes her luck, and good health, as she looks forward to spending many happy and fulfilling years of her retirement with family and friends.  ‘Go n-eirí on bóthar leat, a Mháire’.

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