By Ashton School on Aug 14, 2013.   Comments Off on Leaving Certificate Results 2013

Leaving Certificate Results 2013























Leaving Certificate students were delighted to receive their examination results from Principal, Mr. Landen, and Deputy Principal, Ms. Hewison at the recently built, new Ashton School. The sleepless nights of worry about grades and points, has finally come to its natural conclusion, ‘the results are in’, and the ‘worried frowns’ on faces, the shaking hands await with bated breath, as they open the envelopes containing those elusive grades.

Dedication to organised work patterns, diligence, and regular revision of work learned, paid off for all students, with many exceeding their personal expectations.

There was both laughter, and tears of joy from students (and their parents) on receiving results, reflecting the importance of these results in the lives of all Leaving Certificate students.

Teachers including the Chaplain Mr. Ruttle, Guidance Counsellor, Mrs. Kerins, along with many other staff supported students as they received their results.

We wish them luck in all their future career plans and studies.

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