Ethos Statement

Ashton  Comprehensive School Cork is a Church of Ireland co-educational school under the joint patronage of the Church of Ireland Bishop of Cork and Cork Education and Training Board. Ashton  School serves not only the Protestant community in Cork, but also in a rapidly  changing and pluralist society, is committed to the ecumenical developments of  our time and in an inclusive spirit of openness and multi-denominational  service endeavours to serve many in the entire local community. The  school seeks to provide a Christian environment in which students find  encouragement to develop spiritual and moral values, personal and social skills  and the highest standards of excellence of which they are capable in all  aspects of their school activities.  We  recognise the complementary roles of parents and teachers in educating the  young and, in partnership, we pursue the common aim of educating our students  according to Christian principles.As a  Comprehensive School, Ashton School is committed to catering for children of  all abilities and of multiple intelligences through the provision of a range of  subjects across a broad curriculum. Tuition  in Ashton School is free: teachers are employed by the Board of Management, and  their salaries are paid by the Department of Education and Skills. Parents are  expected to provide books and uniform.   Assistance with the provision of books and uniform is available in cases  of need. Ashton Comprehensive School was founded in 1972 following the interim establishment of  the Cork Grammar and Rochelle School as a result of the amalgamation of two  noted and established Protestant schools: Cork Grammar School and Rochelle  School. Cork Grammar School itself incorporated the former High School. These  schools were previously operated under the aegis of the Incorporated Society  for Promoting Protestant Schools in Ireland. In 2011 the Board of Management  was enlarged to include parents and teachers, and the City of Cork V.E.C. (now Cork E.T.B.) became a co-patron, with the Bishop, of the school.

This  Ethos Statement has been prepared by the joint patrons of the School in  pursuance of Section 15 2 (b) of the Education Act, 1998 and endorsed by  the Board of Management.

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