By Geraldine Collins on Nov 14, 2016.   No Comments

Action Week fundraising for charity


Action Week 2016 – a HUGE success – 3,700 euros raised for charity.

Action Week is a staple on the school calendar each year. The Justice Group, under the guidance of Chaplain Mr. Drew Ruttle, plan, organise, and co-ordinate whole-school, and individual activities for the week, all in aid of charity.

The nominated charities this year were Christian Aid’s Haiti Appeal, and M.S.F. ‘s appeal for help in Syria.   Local charities included Penny Dinners, Console, Pieta House, Meals on Wheels, D.A.W.G., Irish Wheelchair Association, Childline, and other charities also, all selected by students in the school.

Many events take place during the week, Non – Uniform day is always a popular event, seeing as students love to get out of uniform, and dress up ‘casual’ for the day. Others run competitions, like guess how many sweets in the jar. Games, lots of sales of cakes, along with music and talent competitions, all add to the atmosphere of giving, and generosity of spirit which is at the heart of this particular week’s activities.

The grand total of 3,700 euros was collected and will be presented to the charities at Assembly during the year. Many thanks to all who helped in co-ordinating, running activities, and in particular to students and their parents for their generous contributions. Well done to all.




L-R: Minnie Mouse, Gemma Coughlan, Rory O’Callaghan, Dean Buttimer, and Mickey Mouse as they fundraise for charity during Action Week 2016.

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