By Ashton School on Feb 11, 2006.   Comments Off on Ashton Notes February 2011

Ashton Notes February 2011

Juvenes Translatores   is a translation contest which promotes young peoples’ thirst to learn  foreign languages.  As part of this  programme, five Leaving Certificate students, Lisa Hayden , Heather Johns,  Conor O’Donovan, Michael Angland, and Eoin Corcoran  participated in a translation competition  recently, co-ordinated by Spanish and Irish   teacher, Mr. Geaney.   Juvenes  Translatores raises awareness about translation studies and the ever growing  need for translators, both in the EU institutions and throughout Europe in general.   We wish them luck.

Congratulations to Louise Archer, who has been awarded an  Entrance Scholarship to University College Cork   for 2010/2011 based on her Leaving Certificate results.  A marvellous opportunity for any student.

Transition Years surfing in Connemara

Transition Years surfing in Connemara

Adult Education enrolment took place in January for the  Spring term, with a  huge and interesting  range of courses on offer.  Regarding  ongoing enrolment, feel free to contact 021-4322382 or online at

The class of 2000 had a 10 year reunion in the Bodega  in  Cork  on Weds. 29th December 2010.   The event was organised by Ross Leopold, ably assisted by Ruth  Delaney.  Many of the students of that  year-group attended and stories were swapped well into the night.  Bertie Smith and Ann Delaney attended the  event and had difficulty in recognizing many (but not all! ) of those who were  present. A most convivial evening.   Such  was the success of this gathering, Sonia Coombs (Searls) is organising a  reunion of the class of 1981 for June 25th, 2011.  Looking forward to seeing you there.

The French Exchange group of students are arriving in Ashton  from Pontivy (Brittany) in France,  on January 17th, and staying  in Cork till  Jan. 24th, accompanied by two of their Teachers.  Great excitement is always generated by these  visits, as students in Cork  look forward to their Exchange Partners  arrival.  Plans are afoot for exploration  of Irish history and culture through visits and day-trips, along with immersion  in the English language via interesting and dynamic class experiences.  The Ashton students visit Pontivvy from Feb.  9th to 16th, and are already looking forward to it.  Bon Voyage to all.

Transition Year Students are very excited at the news that  they have been selected to submit entries for the Irish Examiner ‘TY and  Politics’ supplement which will be published later on in the Spring.  While a lot of work is anticipated, it has  created great interest in the area of politics, given the relevance of the  topic to the impending General Election.         On the sporting front, practise has commenced  for badminton, soccer and after-school hockey  in preparation for inter-schools competitions coming up in the Spring.  We wish them   luck in their plans and travels.

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