By Geraldine Collins on Nov 22, 2017.   No Comments

Ashton Awareness Week against Bullying in all its forms

5th year Athletics students participate for their 5th year in fundraising activities for charity. Well done.


Ashton students say NO to bullying in all its forms.

Ashton Awareness Week against LGBT bullying was held as a whole-school event during November, and was immensely successful in getting discussion going on the topic of bullying in all its manifestations.  The aim was to help students develop an understanding of how cyber bullying and homophobic bullying are hurtful, help build their empathy towards students who experience bullying, and give them an opportunity to discuss different ways of supporting someone who is bullied.

As a whole-school activity in exploring bullying,  students in each year group participated in drawing their own hands onto designated coloured sheets of paper, which are on display in the General Purpose Area of the school, depicting Ashton students saying ‘NO’ to bullying in all its forms.

An excellent programme of inclusiveness, development of understanding of empathy, and genuine caring of each other in a supportive way, co-ordinated by Chaplain, Mr. Ruttle.


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