By Ashton School on Apr 1, 2014.   No Comments

Ashton Notes April 2014

Students have been exceedingly busy participating in many and varied activities.   Fifth Year Physics students attended a Tyndall lecture on the physics of Martial Arts on Thursday 23rd January.  The lecture explained the physics behind the power of Taekwon-Do.  The basic principles of force, energy and momentum were used to calculate the power generated in punches, blocks and kicks.  Dr. Rob Howard then demonstrated the theory by breaking through timber and tiles.  It was most interesting and exciting to see the application of what seemed quite distant in class, in the real world.

Assembly in Ashton is used to maximum effect in promoting various programmes of endeavour, from academic to charitable and much more.  First Year students recently made a presentation at Assembly on the topic of Internet Safety.  It was greeted with respect and great admiration for a task completed with skill and conviction, especially by students so tender in years, yet extremely knowledgeable on their chosen topic.

Students from the Irish Department spoke at Assembly on the importance of the Irish language in all our lives, in a spirit of encouragement and shared identity.  This was done in preparation for ‘SeachtainnaGaeilge’ which takes place annually in Ashton, this year from the 10th to the 14th March.   A huge variety of activities took place, including a Ceili, TrathnagCeist, LabhairtGaeilge, poster competitions, and more. Everyone got involved and the corridors of Ashton came alive with the ‘cúplafocail’.

Transition Year students are busily ‘treading the boards’ under the tutelage of Mr.Ruttle, as they complete the final practices for their musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’, by L. Frank Baum.Dress rehearsals are always anticipated with glee, giving all students a chance to divert away from learning lines, choruses, and fine-tuning ‘steps’,  replacing all this with make-up application, hair sculpting, and costume fitting.  Props usually provide moments of ‘curiosity and fun’.The show takes place from Mon. April 7th – Friday April 11th in Ashton School Sports Hall at 8.00pm nightly.Tickets available at Ashton school office, Euros 10.00/12.00, from Mid-March. Book early on 4966044 to avoid disappointment.

Jessie Dolliver and Katy-May O’Sullivan in 5th Year attended Advancing Children’s Rights Conference in Belfast recently, funded by Atlantic Philanthropies. This event included participants from a broad range of children’s rights organisations from both Northern Ireland and the Republic.  They participated in debates and found inspiration from like-minded peers.  They had the opportunity to chair a meeting with the National Women’s Council, to discuss ratifying OP3 CRC and establishing Amnesty Groups  in schools.  A marvellous opportunity.

Ms. Power’s CSPE class organised a cake sale to raise funds for the Irish Guide Dogs recently, and raised a substantial amount of money for a most worthy cause.  This activity was completed as part of their CSPE examination, with 60% of marks in this subject being allocated to each student for the project-work they complete during the year.  Well done to all involved.

Action Week 2013was a busy one, with activities happening throughout a dedicated week of fundraising for charitable causes, organised by 5th Year students, assisted by teaching staff.  In excess of Euros 4,000 was raised and presentations were made to the following organisations:

‘Walk in my shoes’ – Youth Mental Health Foundation E600.00, Build for Life Cystic Fibrosis Charity E600.00, RNLI E600.00, Cork Life Centre School E550.00, Cork Sexual Health Clinic E550.00, Christian Aid E550.00, St.  Patrick’s Hospital/Marymount E550.00.

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