By Ashton School on Jan 1, 2015.   No Comments

Ashton Notes January 2015

As Spring heralds new light, longer days, and the blessed heat of the Sun, we look forward positively to the new Spring term and all that God’s glory will bring.

Leaving Cert. English students attended a dramatic presentation of Othello at the Granary Theatre in November as part of their study of the English Syllabus examinations, organised by the English Department.  They saw an intimate performance of the play, followed by an interesting and challenging question and answer session.  Students were thrilled with the day, especially that it enhanced their revision plans, as end of term examinations loom near.

Sally hughes Jan 15 (3)Fifth Year student Sally Hughes has been selected as part of the Youth Arts Initiative in Singing representing Ireland at the World Expo in Milan in 2015.  She is part of a choir comprising sixteen singers from Cork who will perform under the title of Cork International Girls’ Choir.  This opportunity has arisen because of the dedicated practice and diligence of Sally.  We wish her luck in her work and travels.

Transition Year students have had two very busy terms, culminating in an Ice-skating trip to Mahon On Ice, as they celebrate a most positive work output so far this year.They have recently returned from work experience which challenges many of their stereotypes, and for many, clarifies career paths.

The French Exchange students are currently preparing for their trip to Pontivvy in Northern France which they look forward eagerly to each year.  It gives them an opportunity to improve on their vocabulary proficiency, increases their cultural experiences, and creates that love of a language and country of origin which only ‘the real thing’ (the visit) can provide.  We wish them safe travel.

Rehearsals are at an advanced stage for their musical ‘Annie’, under the patient directorship of Mr. Ruttle.  Costume fitting, experimenting with make-up and constant ‘treading of the boards’ as students practice their dance routines are now daily routine.  It will take place again this year in the P.E. Hall at Ashton, given the success of this location as an intimate dramatic or musical venue. Tickets are available at Ashton school office at a cost of Adults € 12.00, OAP’s  € 10.00, and may be booked on 021-4966044.  Book early and do not be disappointed.  Guaranteed to be a great show and a good night out.

Some TY students have been helping Simon on their Flag Day recently, and were delighted with the response from the general public to this great cause.  Other students continue to support The Greater Chernobyl Cause as they endeavour to raise much needed funds at such a critical time for many in Chernobyl generally.

Leaving Certificate students also attended an outstanding performance of An Triail at Coláiste Chríost Rí recently and were thrilled to be invited on stage with the performers at the end of the performance.  Staging, lighting, and costumes were unique, and made the story memorable for everyone.  Go hiontach!

Hockey, soccer, badminton, wheelchair basketball, and other disciplines continue their training at a pace despite inclement conditions, and it is a tribute to all the trainers and coaches, many of whom are voluntary, that they keep the numbers attending at such a consistent level.  Dark wet nights don’t normally inspire us to go out, but the school bags pile high around the tree opposite the entry to the astro-turf in a nice neat circle, and the devoted students pile onto the pitch.  Enthusiasm and excitement being the only currency!  Well done to all involved.  Super work and dedication to young people.

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