Ashton Notes November 2015
Ashton School.
Earlier this year, students in Art class with Ms. O’Shea entered the ‘Simon Community Art competition from the junior cycle within the school, and Maeve Herlihy was honoured to be chosen as runner up. For her achievements Maeve received a €50 one-for-all voucher from Niamh Quain, the Education Sector Co-ordinator for Simon Community. Ashton School proudly extend their congratulations to Maeve for her achievement and are delighted to support the Simon Community with their outstanding work throughout the country.
Former student of Ashton, Cathal Merz, was in his second year of an engineering course when we was selected to be the recipient of the inaugural Abbott Mechanical Engineering Scholarship for the next three years in CIT. Cathal received his award his award on the 29th of September in CIT at the careers day circa in front of the Abbott vascular stand.
Ashton Transition Year students went on their outdoor pursuits trip to Connemara for a week at the end of September. Over the week they took part in a variety of activities such as surfing, orienteering and kayaking. Surfing seemed to be the most popular among the students even though the activity resulted in many burns and bruises. Orienteering was set up with a prize of €50 for the winning team(s). While waiting for the lost orienteers to return, students went rock climbing and abseiling. Such youthful energy!
Ophelia Bennett McCormick, Fifth Year Art student, has been awarded a Certificate of Commendation for work submitted to the 61st Texaco Art Competition, which is open to students nationwide. Maeve Herlihy in Junior School was chosen as runner-up in the ‘Simon Community’ Art competition, and was presented with a 50 Euro voucher by Niamh Quain, Education Sector Co-Ordinator for Simon Community in Cork. Congratulations on your success, and that of Art Teacher Ms. O’Shea.
Maths Week took place from the 12th to the 16th of October at Ashton School, and was celebrated in many ways. Each morning a maths puzzle was read out over the intercom. This gave students the time to solve the problem, and submit their answer at break time. Students heard a number of fun and interesting Maths facts each day. A prize was awarded to the first Junior and Senior Cycle student. Two members of the CSO (Central Statistics Office) spoke to Fifth Year students on statistics. All maths classes participated in table quizzes and puzzles for the week, creating a palpable sense of fun about numbers and maths throughout the school, co-ordinated by the Maths Department.
Lord Mayor Cllr. Chris O’Leary, accompanied by Lady Mayoress, visited Ashton recently. He spoke very passionately to the students and staff, and they connected with him. His advice to students was they should ‘never give up’. ‘Keep persevering, it pays off eventually’. A great morale booster for students.
The English Department co-ordinated Theatre visits for all Third year students, Transition Yer students, Fifth year and Leaving Cert students, as part of their curricular development. Students were thoroughly stimulated by interesting character portrayal, dynamic plots, and tension at every level in each of the Shakespearean dramas viewed. Well done to all.
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