By Ashton School on Aug 23, 2013.   No Comments

Ashton opens the doors of its new building


On Friday, 23rd August 2013, Transition Year student Aaron Deane was the first student to set foot in the new building.

After the long 10-year wait for a building project where seemed like it would never begin, Ashton School opened the doors of its new building to students today for the first time.  Transition Year student Aaron Deane, arriving to school early, was the first to set foot in the new building.  It was a day filled with excitement as students  explored the building,  were briefed on its workings,  practised evacuation, and were given a guided tour of the span new facilities. Bella stefan .  All ran smoothly and according to a plan drawn up months previously in the Spring.

All students, including the new First Year cohort of 90 students will have seen the new building by Tuesday and the entire school will assemble for the Opening Assembly on Wednesday morning at 9.00 a.m.


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