Ashton Players present ‘The Lion King, directed by Mr. Drew Ruttle
Ashton Players – Transition Year students – have been extremely busy as they prepared for their presentation of Disney’s ‘The Lion King’, under the direction of Mr. Drew Ruttle.
The show has played to full houses each night, including a matinee on Wednesday, when local primary school children attended, full of ‘wonder and awe’. The entire production has met the standards of excellence of acting, character portrayal, costume and prop production, we as audience have come to expect from this ‘amateur’ group, with more than a semblance of professionalism about them. The West End should watch out!
The entire production was a tribute to the meticulous ‘eye for detail’ of Mr. Ruttle, assisted by Mr. Maurice O’Brien, Set designer, who ‘carved and cut’, ‘glued and gutted’ night after night in the name of ‘drama production’. Also assisted by Mr. Uwe Schiller, Set Lighting, scaling the heights of the P.E. Hall (with safety harness!) to provide an intimate theatrical atmosphere worthy of any ‘grand’ theatre.
Lead roles played by Tara Cronin ‘Simba’, Becky Maye, Katy May O’Sullivan, drew plaudits, along with Jan Gedorio’s role as ‘Pumba’, among many many magnificent portrayals. The show culminated on the Friday night performance, and with the ‘final curtain call’, the life-size ‘Elephant’ raised his robust legs, swayed and brought the audience to their feet! An absolutely outstanding performance by each and every single member of the cast. As tribute to the dedication of the carefully auditioned cast, all ‘jobs’ were given full attention and dedication, whether it was the ticket sellers, front of house assistants, or any of the many significant tasks, each was undertaken with a spirit of team support and fun, bringing new insights to student abilities and skills. Lighting by D2K, was enlighteningly appropriate for each and every scene, presented an additional clarity to the interpretation of the musical for audience members. The Hyenas, the Lionesses, and the entire cast were a credit to themselves, and Mr. Ruttle’s patience, good humour, and attention to detail, a master-craftsman. A ‘riot of colour’, music, energy, and entertainment. A life-changing experience, and special memory for life, for all participants. Congratulations on a superb production.
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