Ashton Prize Day photos 2015

Prize Day 2015 Photos and captions. Just a sample of photos from the day. Captions for photos: Top left: Head Girl Ali Lynch, Guest Speaker Dr. Ruth Delaney, Principal Mr. Landen, Head Boy Stephen Jermyn. Top Right: Chairman of Bd. Of Management Mr. John Deane, Patron Bishop Paul Colton, Ashton School Players for contribution to performing arts Roisin Allott, Dr. Ruth Delaney, Principal Mr. Landen, Board of Management Ms. Alison Flack. Front Left: Chairman of Bd. Of Management Mr. John Deane, Patron Bishop Paul Colton, Dr. Ruth Delaney, Shereen Gokul Memorial Trophy for Girl’s Hockey Laura Hahnel, Andrew Chamber’s Memorial Trophy for Boy’s Hockey Dudley O’Grady-Woods, Principal Mr. Landen, Board of Management Ms. Alison Flack. Front Right: Chairman of Bd. Of Management Mr. John Deane, Patron Bishop Paul Colton, Dr. Ruth Delaney, Senior Citizenship Award James O’Leary, Junior Citizenship Award Emma Wilkinson, Principal Mr. Landen, Board of Management Ms. Alison Flack.
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