By Ashton School on Feb 10, 2019.   No Comments

Ashton School Celebrates Wellness and Oneness

Ashton School’s 2019 Wellness week ran from Mon Jan 28th – Fri 1st Feb.  The theme for this year was “Celebration”. A number of in class activities ran in SPHE, P.E. and R.E. and all subject teachers were encouraged to embrace the theme in their own lessons. Some of the activities happening were Salsa dancing for 5th year girls, an African dance workshop, Positive post-its for junior Cycle, compliment cards, a Poster competition and looking at celebrations across the world.

A number of students from TY and fifth year worked alongside Mr. Ruttle to run a school wide survey to determine the range of cultures that make up the diverse school community in Ashton. The School Development Committee then funded the purchase of over 30 flags to represent the backgrounds that make up our student cohort.

A special celebratory assembly was held. It was led by the students who organised the survey. Students from various class groups represented each country in a splendid flag parade. The flags were displayed in the central foyer of the school to remind students of the many different places we all come from but also to remind us that we are all a part of a united school community.

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