By Geraldine Collins on Feb 26, 2023.   No Comments

Ashton School News February 2023.

Ashton School.

As the storms of Spring hail new growth, and ‘slightly’ brighter days create an exciting optimism in nature, with crocus, daffodil, snowdrops, hyacinths all making a great splash of colour in our gardens, or on the way to work!  The Lord works in mysterious ways, thankfully for all our benefit!

Ashton school Drama Group, The Ashton Players have been exceedingly busy since before Christmas preparing, rehearsing, and planning for their musical, ‘Moana’ , which ran from Tuesday Jan. 17th to the 19th inclusive at the Ashton P.E. Hall as in previous years, directed by Mr. Drew Ruttle.    Such excitement, especially during a month which can be devoid of social activity.   Students were sewing panels of beautifully coloured material making costumes for the Show on sewing machines from the Home Economics Department, or working in the Construction Department with the Construction Teacher working on the ‘set’.   The Art Department had students painting the ‘set’ and so much more. The Music Department were obviously supporting all aspects of practice with students, done with ‘gusto’!  This is always very much a whole-school activity in that EVERYONE supports the work of The Ashton Players.

The enthusiasm of students as they dedicated themselves to all assigned tasks was to be admired on wintery dark evenings, when the high pitched laughter of students could be heard all round, generating smiles, and happiness for everyone they encountered!!  Students absolutely LOVE the ‘show’.  We salute their diligence and that of ALL those around them who presented a ‘magnificent’ ‘Moana’ to full houses on the three nights.  We sat entranced in the audience, and admired these fine young people in front of us, totally immersed in the roles they bravely took on.  We salute you one and all, and Mr. Ruttle a director ‘par excellence’.

The Religion Department were busy over the Advent, and Christmas Season in school, with so many interesting aspects to research and learn about, supported by the Music Department and Ms. O’Brien. First Year students participated in the Carol Service during Advent, and thoroughly enjoyed it.   The Feast of the Epiphany on Jan. 6th provided many international dimensions to student’s study of Religion.  Of course, St. Brigid, and St. Valentine were also given careful study and attention, holding students attention with their rich tapestry of strong Irish cultural and geographical reference.  The ‘odd card’ for Valentines Day with hearts all over was also created!! and of course there was only  ONE colour to be used on these cards, you guessed it!!

Congratulations to the Senior Boys Hockey team who played Midleton College in the Munster League and won 2-0.  Significant for the team,  was the fact that they have not conceded any goals throughout the league, evidence of their tenacity and dedication to training and so much more.  Well done to you all, including coach Mr. Hobbs.   The Girls Hockey teams have resumed training and the Senior Girls are looking forward to playing competitive matches in The Plate after the Leaving Certificate Pre-examinations are completed.

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