Ashton School News January 2023.
Ashton School.
As we start a New Year, we want to wish all our readers, peace, joy, good health and happiness. The arrival of crocus flowers and snowdrops, reminds us of the definite presence of God in our world, despite the harrowing events across the world that humanity deals with on a constant basis. Let’s hope that the New Year brings better news for everyone.
Its been a busy time up to Advent and end of term examinations. 5th Year students participated in the Science Week Quiz with great enthusiasm and insightful answers to questions asked. This was just one activity in a whole school programme which went on for the entire week at Ashton. There were Team quizzes, where Senior School students participated in the Regional finals of the Science week Quiz in UCC. So many other exciting activities organised by the Science Teachers in Ashton include, ‘Identify the Element of the day’, eagerly ‘tuned in to’ each morning! There were Poster competitions for 1st Years. Other Year Groups created Memes very successfully. There was also the ‘What’s under the microscope’ competition, bamboozling most of us (to put it mildly!!). All these activities under the watchful eye of ‘Bone Jovi’, located inside the main door of the school, sartorially elegant in his white Lab. Coat!! Congrats. To the Science Department, Ms. Manning, Ms. Stoutt, Ms. O’Neill, Ms. O’ Mahony.
The English Department are thrilled that a Transition Year student, Ana Luisa Silva won the Pathways to Participation Essay writing competition held recently. As part of the winning, Ana presented and read her work in the City Hall, Cork City to an assembled audience.
Leaving Certificate Students attended a Careers Day in MTU recently, organised by Ms. Kingston. They learned a lot, and returned full of enthusiasm and greater clarity in relation to their goal-setting for the future.
‘Ashton School Players’, directed by Mr. Ruttle, supported by Ms. O’Brien, spent a busy term rehearsing before the end of term in December, and into January as they prepare for the Disney Musical ‘Mowana’, being presented at the P.E. Hall in Ashton from Jan. 17th – 19th. Tickets may be purchased through the School office as always. 021 4966044 for any queries.
2nd Year student, Ryan Onoh came First in the All Ireland Minor Boys Multi-Athletic events held in Athlone recently. Excellent achievement for Ryan. We congratulate you.
In Soccer the U19’s won the 2nd round of the Munster Cup against Ballincollig. It was an exciting, tight game of soccer, showing all the best of soccer skills on both sides, and the result of diligent practice and training despite atrocious weather at times. Well done to all involved.
Congratulations to Franco Umeh 6th Year and Jaden Umeh in 3rd Year for their amazing skills at Soccer, representing Ireland internationally recently. Franco played recently for the Irish National Team at U19 in Croatia. His brother, Jaden played recently for the Irish National Team at U15 in Croatia. Mathew Murray T.Y., also played for Irish National Team at U16 in Croatia. What an amazing achievement for them all and for their supportive families. Congratulations one and all.
Hockey training is going on as normal for all teams, both boys and girls, with trainers and coaches working hard at preparing for upcoming matches in the next term.
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