By Geraldine Collins on May 26, 2023.   No Comments

Ashton School News May 2023.

Ashton School.


What a month we have had at Ashton, focused on a very special occasion, the 50th Birthday of Ashton School.

It was celebrated over a week long period of events which was ‘hit-off’ with the Senior Boys Hockey team winning the SO Hockey Munster Senior Cup, in the Final against Bandon Grammar School on Monday  13th of March, 2023.  Captained jointly by Cian Dorgan and Jamie Venner,  it was a thrilling game, played with dedication, excellence in skills and temerity shown throughout.  The diligence, training in atrocious weather, and upskilling constantly through hard work and practice,  paid off brilliantly for the boys and their Coaches, Mr. Dave Hobbs and Mr. Eddie Kirwan, along with the support of former student Andrew Salter.  History was made on a special week for Ashton!  We congratulate you all.

News filtered through that Matthew Murray in TY was selected for the Men’s U17  Republic of Ireland Football team, having recently qualified in Paphos, Cyprus for the European Championships in Hungary in May. Matthew is coached in Ashton by Mr. Hobbs. Well done to Mathew and all those who support him.

Freddie’s Ice Cream Van visited Ashton as a ‘surprise’ for ALL students (and Teachers!!), co-ordinated by German/French Teacher Ms.Joanne Power, each being presented with a decent ice-cream cone, sprinkles and slushies in abundance,  much enjoyed by everyone.  A sweet treat!

Tuesday 14th March saw the whole school cohort participated in a quiz, co-ordinated by Ms. Cliona Savage English Teacher and Ms. Laura Manning Science Teacher, which involved ‘baby photos of Teachers’ in one round, amongst many and variously themed rounds, which generated great fun!  As the quiz team-groups were mixed from 1st to 6th years, it generated a genuine hearty atmosphere of inclusivity and camaraderie among all the ‘teams’.

Weds. 15th March saw a whole-school Assembly which celebrated ‘Seachtain na Gaeilge’, co-ordinated by the Irish Department, Ms. Desmond, Ms. Creedon, Ms. McCarthy, Mr. Geaney, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Ni Thuama,  Ms. McGeogh. Students participated in Tráth na gCeist which always generates great fun.  6th Year students had the privilege of viewing the Oscar nominated Cailin Ciúin, as part of the preparation for their Oral Irish examinations over the Easter Holidays.  It held them enthralled for the entire duration, as it has everyone who has viewed it.  As in previous years, the artistic creativity of all students is encouraged by the Comórtas Postaeir.

The Ceili with 2nd Year students was a ‘gregarious’ event, with creative steps ‘invented’ for the occasion. All these activities were celebrated at Assembly, concluding  with a whole – school participation in an Irish version of the song ‘Viva la Vida’ by Coldplay.  A triumph for the cúpla focal agus Comhghairdeas le Roinn na Gaeilge don obair dian go léir.

This was followed by the Talent Show, which was an outstanding success of talent, showmanship, music, song and dance, was co-ordinated by Chaplain Mr. Drew Ruttle with the panache and style of a ‘Pro’!  What artistic ability we have in Ashton, with events like this providing a ‘stage’ for fledgeling talent to showcase their amazing abilities.  Students and (some) staff ‘strutted their stuff’ much to the delight of the full school student audience, and the chagrin of the ‘Judging Panel’ who also entertained us immensely!!  Standing ovations were rendered,  the voting Judges were ‘cajoled’ into higher votes, and the roof ‘lifted’, done with  great fun and a respectful appreciation for all who participated.  What a day! Congratulations one and all!

Thursday 16th  March marked the date of official celebration of the 50th Birthday of Ashton School.  Invited guests, including retired staff,  former Principals, along with the Board of Management, Joint Patrons CETB and Bishop Paul Colton, a former student himself, present students and staff, were welcomed to this special Assembly by Principal Mr. Adrian Landen.

Presentations were made by Ella Smith, Chloe Flavin, Adrian Landen, Maksim Levchenko, Jessica Swanton, Eveline Deane, Kevin Ho, Alexis Olaniran, and Charlie Bateman on what it was like to be a student of Ashton over the last 50 years.   Mr. Landen had a unique perspective as pupil, teacher and now Principal. As had Bishop Paul Colton as pupil, former Chairman of Board of Management and now Patron.

Dr. Mary O’Brien co-ordinated the Ashton School Choir who accompanied the student cohort in hymns and songs. Chaplain Drew Ruttle concluded the Assembly with a Closing Prayer.

A special commemorative ‘Water Bottle’ along with a lapel–pin, inscribed with the Ashton crest, was presented to everyone in honour of the occasion.  Special memories were created on the day!

This was followed by refreshments co-ordinated by Home Economics Teacher Ms. Fogarty and Caroline Curtin.  Photographs were taken and co-ordinated by Deputy Principal Ms. Hewison, concluding with the ‘cutting of the Birthday cake’. The sense of camaraderie and shared experiences was evident in the laughter and smiling faces everywhere.    The ’catch-up’ went on long into the evening!   Happy 50th  Birthday Ashton!




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