Ashton School News November 2024
The autumn term is always a busy one in Ashton with students taking part in a wide range of activities. Transition Year students recently went on their Outdoor Pursuits week to Achill, Co. Mayo. Accompanied by Mr. Ruttle, Ms. Savage, Ms. Dennehy and Mr. Casey, the students enjoyed surfing, kayaking, windsurfing, pier jumping and cycling along the Western Greenway. Good weather on Achill in early October made the week even more enjoyable as raingear was swapped for sunscreen. A memorable experience for the TY group.
Rehearsals are well underway for the TY musical, Singin’ in the Rain” staged and performed by The Ashton School Players under TY Musical Director, Mr. Ruttle. The TY musical is one of the most popular events in Ashton’s calendar. Through the hard work and commitment of the students, “Singin in the Rain” is certain to be outstanding. It will be staged in the school from January 14th-16th 2025.
Transition Year students have also started an eleven-week Voluntary Community Action Programme coordinated by Ms. Ryan. Working in primary schools, charity shops, creches and in various support centres, the students bring their time, energy, youth and enthusiasm to their community placements. In return, students gain valuable experience of life and learn about the positive difference that their actions can make to others’ lives.
Sport continues to be a central part of Ashton’s extra-curricular activities. All sixteen of our hockey teams are up and running across the Boys and Girls sections. The badminton club trains on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the number of participants has increased this year in both Senior and Junior sections. Soccer too has grown in popularity in Ashton in recent years. The boys and girls soccer teams are training hard and are looking forward to playing in upcoming competitions.
Recently Ashton had a special celebration to mark European Languages Day. Several students spoke at assembly in their native European languages of German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Irish and English. The event provided a snapshot of some of the languages taught in Ashton and celebrated the diversity within our school. Later that morning Ms. Farrell’s TY French class hosted a European food and drinks reception which was enjoyed by students and teachers alike.
Second Year students studying German recently welcomed their German Exchange partners to Cork along with their teachers Frau Brodie and Frau Flüßhöh. The German students enjoyed visits to Cork City Gaol, Cobh and Kinsale. They will certainly have some wonderful and lasting memories of their Exchange Programme with Ashton. Our students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the language and culture of Germany when they travel with Mr. Mulcahy and Ms. O’Meara to our partner school, Lessing Gymnasium in Cologne, later this month. Both teachers and students are looking forward to this trip and to all the activities planned.
In recent weeks, thirty Sixth Year Chemistry and/or Physics students, headed to London with Ms. Manning, Ms. Ryan and Mr. McCarthy on a STEM trip. There they visited The Royal Institution, The Science Museum, The Royal Observatory and Queen Mary University where they attended a talk by a senior lecturer on pharmaceutical chemistry. It was an enjoyable and educational experience for all.
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