By Geraldine Collins on Oct 16, 2023.   No Comments

Ashton School News October 2023.

Ashton School.


As Autumn colours herald the arrival of the ‘season of mists and mellow fruitfulness ‘ (Keats), we celebrate and give thanks for all that is bountiful about the harvest, in Church, school and community.

The results for Leaving Cert. Class of 2023 were excellent at all levels, the dedication and hard work of this bunch of earnest students, and their teachers,  was reflected in the high points they achieved.  We congratulate you all, and look forward to meeting you all at some time in the future.  They celebrated their Leaving Cert. Results in style at their Graduation Ball held on Sept. 1st in the Rochestown Park Hotel.  Lovely to see the colourful sartorial elegance of young women and men as they embark on their careers and future lives.  We wish them well in all their endeavours.

Transition Year Night is held at the end of May, and this year the Transition Year Student of the Year, Noah O’Callaghan, was announced to tumultuous applause.  It was an amazing night of excellence at music, song and gymnastic displays that certainly raised the heartbeat!  Students spoke individually of their experiences of completing work experience in USA, France, Spain, Germany, speaking at European Parliament, experience at the Tyndall Institute (UCC),  MTU, hospitals, UCC, veterinary practices, an endless list of formative experience. They obviously simultaneously completed the regular school based programme of workshops in Barista coffee making, Community Action, Mini Company, Gaisce, sports, team building, car maintenance, drive for life, and so much more.  Year Head Ms. McCarthy congratulated them all, as did T.Y. Co-Ordinator Siobhain Dennehy, both ably supported by Class Teachers  Ms. Lynch, Mr. McCarthy, Ms. Savage, Ms. Stoutt, Deputy Principal Ms. Hewison and Principal Mr. Landen.

5th Year students visited the Marina Market before the end of term in May, where they enjoyed the relaxing ambience of this most popular  ‘denizen of epicurean’ perfection!  The choices, the choices!!!  A feast for the senses, set in convivial, bright and roomy atmosphere of leisure and relaxation.  Much enjoyed by all.

Hockey training resumed despite the inclement conditions at times for Junior and Senior Girls and Boys teams.  We look forward to hearing the results from the various competitions and leagues as they occur over the year.

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