By Geraldine Collins on Oct 5, 2024.   No Comments

Ashton School News October 2024

Ashton School.

Leaving Certificate students completed their six academic years with a Graduation Evening at Ashton School. They outdid themselves with excellent musical content, singing, and dance, co-ordinated by Chaplain Mr. Ruttle. The 2024 Leaving Certificate class was the largest class to graduate in many years in the history of Ashton, generating a full house of parents, family and staff. Mr. Landen, Principal and Mr. Richard Lester Deputy Principal welcomed everyone to the occasion. Ms. Anne Sampson spoke on behalf of the parents of the ‘glorious years’ her children spent as students at Ashton. Mrs. Geraldine Collins, Year Head with the group for six years, acknowledged the important role of parents and imparted words of encouraging advice to the students. Head Girls Hazel O’Sullivan and Alison Olaniran, along with Head Boys Harry Jackson and Eoin Prendeville addressed the audience and thanked teachers and staff on behalf of the students, for the support they received throughout their six years at Ashton. They presented gifts of appreciation to their Class Teachers, Ms. Sampson and their Year Head. All students were presented with certificates by Mrs. Collins and Mr. Landen, ably assisted by Ms. Kingston Guidance Counsellor. An evening of positivity and goodness.

Transition Year Night was co-ordinated by TY CO-Ordinator Ms. Siobhan Dennehy, supported by Year Head Mr. Shane Scanlon, Principal Mr. Landen, Deputy Principal Mr. Lester, and Chaplain Mr. Ruttle. Students individually spoke of their amazing experiences throughout the year, from work-experience in operating theatres of hospitals to assisting teachers in Primary schools, opportunities in laboratories and much more. They described their time in Achill Island from which emerged intrepid ‘chefs’. Others travelled to Kolkatta with the HOPE Foundation. Rotations included Work Experience, Community Action, Corework, Mini – Company, from which came that Amazing TY BALL innovation, Gatsbyesque in every way!! The Barista Coffee Making workshop, Driving for Life, Arts and Crafts , Cybersecurity, and many more were referenced! There was description of the Fundraising events and Flag Days, along with the sheer volume of Volunteerism which characterises TY in Ashton. Students completed their year with a trip to Ballyhass Aqua Park and Water Sports in Coachford, and had a thoroughly enjoyable day to add to the memory bank of so many more incredible experiences. Certificates were presented to each student by Mr. Scanlon, who addressed the students, saying that he was looking forward to seeing them return full of enthusiasm for 5th year in September! Ms. Dennehy then announced TY Student of the Year, Eoin Desmond, which was greeted with warm and rapturous applause of delight by his peers. We congratulate Eoin and wish all TY’s the best as they commence Senior Cycle.

The Leaving Certificate Graduation Ball at Rochestown Park Hotel, in Cork City, was held on August 30th, with all the glitter and excitement of such an occasion in young people’s lives. Outfits had been fitted, and changed and changed again!!, along with the shoes, the hairstyles, the ‘themes’, and that was ONLY the BOYS!! As always, this scribe did not recognise some of her ‘former charges’ such was the level of sartorial elegance of both the young women and the young men!. A thoroughly enjoyable occasion and gathering of the class of 2024, as they head onto the next exciting stage of their young lives. We congratulate them and their parents on the occasion, and wish them all the luck in the world with their future lives and plans.

Caption: Transition Year Student of the Year Eoin Desmond and T.Y. Co-Ordinator Ms. Siobhán Dennehy.

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