By Geraldine Collins on Sep 5, 2024.   No Comments

Ashton School News September 2024

Ashton School.
A new academic year dawns and the cycle of education and the joyful sounds of students on the corridors once again enthuses pedagogy and the spirit of enquiry!
The Sponsored Walk is a staple on the calendar annually, and this year the charities were Cork Simon Community, Irish Wheelchair Association, Jigsaw Cork (Cork for Youth Mental Health), Christian Aid, Feileacain (Stillbirth and Neonatal Bereaved Support), Marymount Hospice.   An outstanding 5,800 euros was raised with the anticipated 6,000 euros certain to be reached, thanks to the amazing generosity of students, staff and parents, and their support of worthy causes.  Well done to the Physical Education Department and Mr. Kirwan.
Congratulations to Mr. Dave Hobbs, P.E. Dept., who was voted Munster Coach of the Season 2023/2024.   Well done on a marvellous achievement,  based on commitment, dedication and enthusiasm for his sporting interests. We salute you!.
The 6th Year Graduation Ball was held on August 30th, 2024 at the Rochestown Park Hotel.  It is always a lovely gathering of the Leaving Cert. students, each taking pride on their achievements, and entering the adult world.  As always, teaching staff attend, and are always thrilled to see their ‘former students’ presenting excellent sartorial elegance.  A great occasion.  We wish the 6th Year class of 2024 every good wish and God’s blessings on their future lives and careers.
The T.Y. Gardening Group have been busy at Ashton preparing and tending their ‘plot’ in Douglas.  This plot was generously sponsored by Cork City Corporation in a school’s promotion of the importance of creating awareness of the role of the environment in positive wellness in young people’s lives.  It was taken seriously by all the budding ’gardeners’, who took immense pride in their ‘green’ achievements!   Well done to you all.
Sports Day 2024 was held at Ashton School again this year as the CIT facility is undergoing renovations.  Always a lovely day’s activities for students and staff.
The McKechnie Cup for Senior Girls High Jump was presented to Kelly Eckersley.  The John Hobbs Best Throw Shield was won by Aurelius Weber-Shevchenko.
The Dalton Cup 1965 was presented to Millie O’Mahony.  The Cork Grammar and High school Cup 1948 was won by Paudie Odoku.    The I.C.I.C.Y.M.A. Inter Girls Cup  1959 ,was presented to Alexis Olaniran.  The Creedon Cup Inter Boys 2002 was awarded to Hudson Oliver.  The Sloan Cup 1938, was presented to Suzanne Healy Bird. The Victor Ludorum Cup  1919, Senior Boys award was awarded jointly to Bradley Ehizode and Neil Barrett.  The Joy Murphy Shield – Outstanding Achievement was presented to Neil Barrett. The Joy Murphy Medal – Most points scored – awarded Jointly to Bradley Ehizode and Neil Barrett.  Congratulations

to you all!

The Girls U15 Soccer team have been busy training and playing matches recently.  They were victorious against Carrigtwohill in the Cork Trophy  series recently. Coached by Mr. Curran and Mr. B.J. O’Sullivan.

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