By Geraldine Collins on Apr 7, 2016.   No Comments

Ashton U14 Blackpool Cup Winners

Ashton U14 Soccer team who were victorious recently, when they won the Blackpool Champions Cup, with team coaches, Mr. Dean Lynch, Mr. Aidan Buckley and Mr. Ian Cunningham

Ashton U14 Soccer team achieved the ultimate in returning victors from their Easter participation in the Blackpool Challenge Cup. This is an event that attracts European teams of outstanding ability, and dedication to winning games.  Having won various sections of this Cup over the last two years, the Ashton team was determined to bring home the Blackpool Cup this year, being outright winners.

Ashton played soccer teams from Scotland, Ireland, and England. In their final game they beat Bonnybridge AFC Scotland 5-0 in a tactically masterful game, showing their true skills, dedication and commitment, captained by Aleksa Nicin.

Team coaches Mr. Ian Cunningham, ably assisted by Mr. Aidan Buckley, Mr. Steve Bermingham, and Mr. Dean Lynch, were thrilled with the success of the event, having trained and coached the team throughout the year, in the most inclement of weather conditions at times.   This level of commitment by both coaches, players and their parents, illustrates what can be achieved, despite obstacles of varying kinds.

The team Captain,  Aleksa Nicin presented the Cup to Deputy Principal Ms. Hewison at a recent School Assembly, who was delighted to accept it on behalf of the school cohort.  It will be placed on display in the school, for everyone to admire, and take pride in.

Congratulations to each and every one involved. A marvellous result.










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