By Ashton School on Aug 11, 2020.   No Comments

Message for Students and Parents re Return to School

Dear Students and Parents,

I hope that you have enjoyed a good summer break and that you and your family remain safe and well.

Planning for the reopening of the school is now well underway and we are confident that we will be able to open the school fully and safely by the end of August. The schedule for the start of the new term has not been decided yet but all students will return to school during the week beginning Monday, 31st August. The exact details for each year group will be sent to you as soon as they are decided.

The Covid-19 pandemic presents a real challenge for everyone. In the year ahead all members of the school community will have a significant role to play in reducing the risk of contracting and spreading the virus.

A range of essential control measures will be implemented to reduce the risk of introduction and the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The measures which will be in place are designed to protect the safety, health and welfare of all members of the school community as far as possible within the school. It is critical therefore that everyone is aware of the control measures and cooperates fully with all health and safety requirements.

Students who have symptoms of Covid-19 must not attend school. The student’s GP must be contacted by telephone and HSE guidance on self-isolation must be followed.

The symptoms of Covid-19 are:

  • High temperature
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
  • Loss of smell, of taste or distortion of taste

Students who have been identified by the HSE as a Contact of a person with Covid-19 must not attend school and HSE advice on restriction of movement must be followed.

In the remaining weeks of the summer, or at any later stage, it is extremely important that if a student travels to a country that is not on the green list at the time of their return to Ireland that they do not come to school within the 14-day period following their return.

While we are very much looking forward to welcoming all students back, we do appreciate that there may be students in high risk categories who are unable to return. If you believe that your son/daughter is or may be at high risk of serious illness if he or she contracts Covid-19, please contact the deputy principal by email ( to let us know so that we can plan accordingly.

We are looking forward to meeting students at the end of the month. We will be in contact again before the school opens with further information.

Yours sincerely,

Adrian Landen

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