Ashton Notes April 2011
Transition Year students recently presented a cheque 817.00 to Concern, which was the proceeds of their 24 hour fast. Tom Arnold, Chief Executive Officer Concern, gratefully acknowledged the generosity of students, and thanked them for their continuing support over the years. He then proceeded to discuss the work of Concern, with great passion, conviction, and an amazing sense of optimism, given the scale of humanitarian difficulties world-wide.
The musical ‘Into the Woods’, by Stephen Sondheim, directed by Mr. Ruttle, was a resounding success, as has been the norm since the rejuventation of the Ashton Players Drama Group some years ago. Lead roles were played with all the innocent wonder and awe of childhood, magnificently captured by the cast of committed dramatic artists and artistes. Enthralling scenes from the renowned fairytales Rapunzel, Cinderella, Jack and the Giant Beanstalk, and of course Little Red Riding Hood, formed the core of this musical, generating memories, memories, memories! Well done to you everyone, after all the committed rehearsal work since last September.
NOTE CHANGE of DATE for REUNION: Sonia Coombs (Searls) is organising a reunion of the class of 1981 for June 18th, 2011, (not as previously advertised).
Ashton Annual Staff seminar was held on Friday March 11th, as part of the ongoing continuous professional development for teachers. A varied, dynamic and informative programme was organised for the day. AWARE spoke in relation to beating depression, a representative from the NCCA spoke about Junior Cert. Revision and new curricular developments. A self-confessed dyslexic entrepeneur told his story of success in defying the odds in terms of dyslexia, showing determination and courage. The final presentation on the day was from a Sports Psychologist who imbued us with positivity and an ‘I can’ spirit. The support of School Management and the Board was warmly welcomed. Feedback has been tremendously positive both from staff and from the presenters.
Seachtain na Gaeilge, promoted by the Irish Department, was in full swing around the corridors of Ashton, alive with the sound of the ‘cúpla focail’, and beautifully presented with relevant artistic posters, encouraging us all to speak Irish during this special time of year.
Mr. Bertie Smith, Principal, announced his retirement from Ashton, after 37 years committed service to students and staff. When students were told at Assembly, there was an audible ‘intake of breath’, followed by long and sustained applause. While acknowledged as being a ‘hard taskmaster’, he was renowned for his fairness in dealing with students and staff. He will be missed by the entire school community.
In Athletics, Josh Ward in First Year came 3rd in Munster Minor Cross Country competitions held in C.I.T. recently. Well done. He also finished very well at the National Cross Country event which took place in Dublin, which was incredible, considering he has only recently taken up running. We wish him and his coaches luck. Ashton Minor Boys who took part in the Hockey Cup Semi-Final defeated Bandon with a resounding result. Congratulations one and all. We are looking forward to hearing many more ‘good news’ stories like this.
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