By Ashton School on Nov 16, 2012.   Comments Off on Prize Day 2012

Prize Day 2012

Adrian Landen Principal, David Wolfe Ashton School Senior Citizenship Student, Dr. Hugh McNamara Hall of Fame recipient, Julia Jordonovova Victor Bond Junior Citizenship Award recipient, Rt Rev. Bishop Paul Colton, Dr Harold Hislop Chief Inspector Department of Education and Skills.

Adrian Landen Principal, David Wolfe Ashton School Senior Citizenship Student, Dr. Hugh McNamara Hall of Fame recipient, Julia Jordonovova Victor Bond Junior Citizenship Award recipient, Rt Rev. Bishop Paul Colton, Dr Harold Hislop Chief Inspector Department of Education and Skills.

Katie Sheehan Head Girl, Bishop Paul Colton, Gary Wilkinson Head Boy

Katie Sheehan Head Girl, Bishop Paul Colton, Gary Wilkinson Head Boy

Prize Day was held at Ashton School, Blackrock Road on Friday November 16th. The purpose of this important event is to recognise and reward student success in academic subjects, and a vast array of other achievements, including sport, social and personal achievements, and more.

Mr. John Deane Chairman of the Board of Management, including Bishop Paul Colton, and Mr. Ted Owens, warmly welcomed distinguished guests, members of Dail Eireann, parents, students and staff to this Annual Prize Day, especially Guest of Honour Dr. Bella stefan Harold Hislop, Chief Inspector in the Dept. Of Education and Skills, and Hall of Fame recipient, Dr. Hugh McNamara a former pupil at Ashton. He noted that it was a historic day, being the first formal occasion to be held in the newly refurbished Sports Hall, updated in keeping with 21st century specifications, as part of the building plans for the new school being built on the site. He also stated the new school building was on target with progress, and the aspiration was that students would resume their studies in the new school next Autumn.

Principal Mr. Landen read the Annual Report which included information on the various events and activities of the school, and praised the supportive learning environment which Ashton is proud of. He stated that, ‘Ashton is a school that places importance on ethos and traditions, a school where individuals matter, and where students are expected to do their best’. Citing some interesting statistics, in the Leaving Certificate Examination, students scoring 500 or more points, the national average is 8.6%, the Ashton average over a three year period has been 12.2%. The national average for students scoring 400 or more points is 30.1%. 48% of Ashton students have scored over 400 points in the last three years. He commended the teaching staff for ‘their professional approach and the for the difference that you have made, and continue to make in the lives of the students you work with’. Mr. Landen concluded by stating it was his hope ‘that Ashton will continue to be a school that perpetuates its ethos, a schools that respects its history and traditions, and school that strives to achieve its principal aim – that students perform at their best’.

Guest of Honour, Dr. Harold Hislop, addressed his speech warmly to the students, congratulating them on their individual achievements, and skills. He emphasised the important role parents had in their children’s education, recognising that parents were ‘the primary educators of their children, where they can make a huge difference to their children’s life chances’. He further suggested young people had a large debt of gratitude to pay their parents for the opportunities they have provided to them. He commended Ashton School in the way it is managed, with ongoing partnership between the Church of Ireland and the state sector in Cork City VEC, the teaching staff for their dedication and encouragement on an ongoing basis, and the most important people of the day, ‘you, the students, you are the reason school exists.

Awards and prizes were then presented to each student by Dr. Harold Hislop, assisted by Mr. Adrian Landen, Principal, Ms. Ann Marie Hewison, Deputy Principal, and Mr. Willie Deane, Assistant Principal.

The Ashton Hall of Fame Award was presented to a past-pupil of the school, Dr. Hugh McNamara, PhD., Oxford University, where he is involved in Post Doctoral Research in modelling and predicting climate change. Students were enormously impressed that a former student, who sat in the exact same classrooms as they are now sitting in daily, has gone on to achieve such success. A marvellous role model for all Ashton students.

The Rochelle Trophy for Junior Certificate Examination 2012 was presented to Darren Wilkinson. The Des Deasy Memorial Trophy for Engineering was presented to Jane Linehan. The Derry Hipwell Trophy for Business Subjects was awarded to Shane Connolly. Cillin Corbett was the recipient of the Pfizer Perpetual Trophy for Student of the Year, and James Phillips won the Burke Trophy for Technical Subjects.

  • David McSweeney was awarded the Corn Mhic Uistin, Aisling Deasy was awarded the Corn an Amhairginigh.
  • The Ashton School Players Award for contribution to Performing Arts was awarded to Glen Healy.
  • The Shereen Gokul Memorial Trophy for Girl’s Hockey was presented to Alex O’Mahony.
  • Andrew Chambers Memorial Trophy for Boy’s Hockey was awarded to James Phillips.
  • The Victor Bond Memorial Trophy for Junior Citizenship was presented to Julia Jordanovova.
  • The Ashton School Senior Citizenship Award was presented to David Wolfe.


Head Girl Katie Sheehan, and Head Boy Gary Wilkinson thanked Dr. Hislop, and presented him with gifts of appreciation on behalf of the school, to warm applause.

Bishop Paul Colton concluded proceedings with a prayer and blessing.


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