Seachtain na Gaeilge 2017
Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge ar fheabhais. Bhí spraoí and sport ag gach éinne. Lots of events were held throughout the school for Seachtain na Gaeilge, as the Irish language, culture and music were celebrated in all its manifestations. A Tráth na gCeist was held with lots of fun for everyone participating. The Comórtas Postaer provided much colour around the corridors of the school, creating an optimistic tone of Spring and Summer on the way! The Seomra Caidrimh held daily, provided the opportunity for friendly chat in a comfortable atmosphere, with the cupán tae an integral part of it. Ceist an Lae was held gach lá. When the announcements were done daily for this, students in all classes spontaneously dropped their peanns, listened and wrote down the clues!! Interesting to observe how a creative approach gets the attention of young students. Innovative at all levels. A spirit of nurturing the language with Irish notices on boards, the cúpla focal gach lá, and duaiseanna as incentives for initiative, make it Seachtain na Gaeilge a week that we all look forward to each year, co-ordinated by the Irish Department. Well done to all involved for the practice, planning, participation and fun generated. Comhghairdeas go léir!
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