Sports Person of the Month December 2017 Anna Torres
Interview with Anna Torres Sports Person of the Month – December 2017.
Anna recently participated in a cross country schools competition and came in first place. Her hard work and dedication to athletics really stood out this year so far.
Q. How did you feel before the race?
Before the race I felt very nervous, but excited to compete in the event.
Q. How did you feel afterwards?
I was very happy and proud to have done so well in the race. I did not expect to win.
Q. Are the standards in Ireland different to Spain? If so how?
I think in general it’s around the same. It’s just as competitive everywhere I have competed.
Q. How long have you been running? Why did you start?
I started when I was seven years old in an athletics club but I wasn’t excessively training, it was just for fun and we mostly played games. At around thirteen I decided I really liked it and began training more seriously.
Q. Do you run competitively or just for enjoyment?
Both, I compete competitively but I also enjoy it and always try my best.
Q. How often do you train/ how do you keep fit?
I don’t really train a lot. I only train about three times a week, but when I do I put in 100% effort and that’s what keeps me fit.
Q. Do you play any other sports? Which is your favourite?
I play soccer and hockey in the school. I’m not sure which is my favourite, last year I only did athletics because I didn’t really have time for anything else. Now that I am doing all three I can’t really choose between them.
Q. Do you eat healthy because of sports?
No not really. Like I would eat jam on toast instead of Nutella before a match but that is about it.
Q. How do you keep motivated on your bad days?
I just think that bad days are the ones that count more because if you train well on your bad days you can do even better on your good ones.
Q. Who inspires you?
No one specifically inspires me I just always try to be my best self.
Q. Any tips for people starting out in sports?
Just go for it if you have an interest. If you put in the hard work you will definitely see results.
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