By Geraldine Collins on Jun 5, 2015.   No Comments

Three Historic Hockey Cups won at Ashton in 2015

Three hockey cups

Back L-R:  Mr. E. Kirwan, Mr. Mark Holland, Mr. D. Hobbs.   Front Row L-R: Fabio Greco Junior Captain, Simon Wolfe Senior Captain, Andrew Salter Minor Captain.

History was made in 2015 at Ashton when three significant cups were won by the various boys hockey teams in the school.  The Senior Boys Hockey Cup was won against Villiers, captained by Simon Wolfe.  The Junior Boys Hockey Cup was won in a game against Midleton College, captained by Fabio Greco.

The Minor Boys Hockey Cup was also won having beaten  Midleton College, captained by Andrew Salter.  The Coaches involved were Mr. Eddie Kirwan, Mr. Mark Holland, and Mr. Dave Hobbs. Heartiest congratulations to everyone involved in such fine sporting  and historic achievements.




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