By Geraldine Collins on Dec 6, 2017.   No Comments

Y.M.C.A. presentation at assembly

L-R: Laura Rodriguez,  Charles Payne,  Edel Stout Y.M.C.A. Cork, at recent assembly.

Representatives from YMCA Edel Stout, Laura Rodriguez, and Charles Payne attended Assembly at Ashton in early December, and made an impressive presentation to the student cohort, emphasising the importance of support around mental health for students.

This was followed up by a presentation of a specially commissioned booklet called ‘Not alone’ which was given to every student in the school. A most useful list of services and contact numbers available in a pocket-sized booklet which every young person should have at their disposal.

Presentations were made to classes later in the morning on the work of the organisation at local and international level, which was listened to with rapt attention.

For further information, please contact: YMCA, 11/12 Marlboro Street, Cork. Tel: 021-4270187, Email:

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