By Geraldine Collins on Jun 21, 2022.   No Comments

Ashton School News June 2022

Ashton School.

Welcome to our newest students recently arrived from Ukraine, who are settling in well to Transition Year, making friends, finding their way in the Ashton world, becoming totally immersed in all that is happening, thankfully. While language is obviously being worked on in school, it is not stopping the friendships, good manners, inclusion and caring approach of Ashton students toward our new students. We wish them well and a great ‘cead mile failte’.

3rd year student Elsa Forrest won a place on the Museum of Literature Ireland, Edna O’Brien Young Writers Bursary. Elsa won a place on the Annual 5 day immersive, blended learning programme, she will be one of ONLY 15 students nationwide, taking place in July. We wish her every good luck, and best wishes as she forges her literary craft.

Transition Year students over the entire year group, ALL learned about car maintenance and much more. They each actually changed a car tyre, checked the car for oil and water, etc etc, followed by 4 trips actually driving a car around the tennis courts accompanied by a qualified instructor. This was preceded by a sample ‘Driver Theory Test’. Students also participated in ‘Beer goggle football’, where they wore goggles which mimicked how a person with illegal substances would view the road in front of them. Amazing experiences for all students.

Mini-Company has been illustrating its best entrepreneurial skills recently with their tasty paninis which sold out quickly at lunchtime recently. Also recent Pizza party for Junior School students. The arrival of the TY Hoodies was perfectly timed to coincide with Sports Day at MTU (formerly CIT). Cosy, comfortable to wear, they make a great remembrance item from TY.

Practice for the TY show ‘Matilda’ was in full flight, with students being gently encouraged by an ever-patient Mr. Ruttle to go over certain lines ‘again’ and ‘again’ and ………. They had full houses at the P.E. Hall over the three nights, 10th, 11th and 12th May, with a matinee on the 11th also. Students thoroughly enjoyed the return of one of the strong ‘favourites’ in the TY calendar after a two-year hiatus, including an impromptu ‘flash-mob’ lunchtime treat! What a spectacle of colour and song!

Students completed a hike up Torc Waterfall in Killarney recently, which in all its glory tested each and everyone who participated in their fitness levels, co-ordinated by Mr. Hobbs and the P.E. Department, including Ms. Dennehy, Ms. Power, Ms. Stoutt, Ms. Ryall. Well done on completing an arduous climb.

The entire TY Year group recently cycled 46km on the Waterford Greenway and raised 5,540.00 euros for Focus Ireland. An amazing total given the current financial climate. This was Co-ordinated by Mr. Carey Construction Studies Teacher, supported on the day by Ms. Power TY Co-Ordinator, Ms. Stoutt, Ms. Manning, Mr. Hobbs. Ms. Jessica Murphy, Focus Ireland, was presented with the cheque from the proceeds recently at Assembly where she expressed her profound gratitude for the generosity of Ashton students, assuring them the money would be well spent on worthwhile projects in addressing the issue of homelessness. We salute you one and all.

Hockey: Matthew Carry represented Ireland in the U16 Boys Hockey Tournament in Zwolle, Netherlands over Easter holidays, as part of the preparations for the 8 Nations in Germany during the summer. Hockey training and matches for both Girls and Boys is proceeding busily as the year progresses. We wish Matthew luck in all his Hockey training and travels this summer.


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